Lentil Feta Salad

Combine earthy lentils with crunchy vegetables and salty feta for an effortless salad

Sometimes I doubt whether a recipe is really post-worthy;  some dishes seem so…… everyday. I had the same hesitation about this Lentil Feta Salad recipe. That is until I was on the phone to my sister yesterday:

we were sharing how hard it is to cook healthy food on those days where you are rushed or lack inspiration. I promised to email her some of my favourite go-to solutions. Afterwards I thought: why not post them? If it is one of my go-to recipes, why not share them?

I hereby present you with a humble, healthy and effortless recipe for Lentil Feta Salad.

Fry up a quick steak or stick some easy Mustard Chicken into the oven and within no time you have a nutritious week night dinner. By the way, this recipe is also great as a quick side for a bbq.

(based on the recipe from Bill Granger’s ‘Bill’s Open Kitchen’)
Serves 3-4

1 can of lentils (or cook dry du Puy lentils for 15-20 minutes)
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp lemon juice
optional: 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
optional: 1 tsp ground allspice (NL, DE: piment)
black pepper
1/2-1 cucumber
200g (7 oz) cherry tomatoes
1/2 red onion
15g (1/2 cup) flat-leaf parsley
about 12 mint leaves
100g (3 1/2 oz) feta



  1. Rinse and drain the lentils.
  2. Whisk oil, lemon and spices together.
  3. Strain the lentils and combine with the dressing. (If you cooked the lentils stir the dressing into the warm lentils)
  4. Slice the cucumber into four lengthways and then dice.
  5. Cut the tomatoes into halves.
  6. Slice the onion as thinly as possible.
  7. Roughly chop the parsley and mint.
  8. Gently combine all the prepared ingredients with the lentils.
  9. Spoon salad into a serving dish and sprinkle with crumbled feta cheese.


Tips & Variations

This is a very flexible salad you can

  • leave out the tomatoes
  • leave out mint
  • replace lentils with chickpeas
  • add diced red capsicum (NL, DE: paprika)

Serve with

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